Catherine Furnace: The 23rd Georgian Infantry Regiment delays attempts to breakthrough to the hidden road network that Hooker now suspects is being used by the Confederates to maneuver into a flanking attack. Scale: Company.
Rebel Yell: The 75th Ohio make a brave but futile stand against the overwhelming numbers of Jackson's soldiers who, after completing the famous hidden march to bring them onto the flank of XI Corps, scream their Rebel Yell as they attack. Scale: Company.
Hazel Grove: After both "Stonewall" Jackson and A.P. Hill were both wounded it fell to the cavalry commander, JEB Stuart to organize and execute the attack at Hazel Grove. After hours of desperate fighting the Confederates were able to drive back the Federal forces, thus beginning a more general withdrawal. Scale: Brigade.
Marye’s Heights: The first Union attempt to break through to Chancellorsville was made against Confederate troops holding a stone wall atop Marye's Heights, a short distance outside Fredericksburg. Though heavily outnumbered, Early and his soldiers were able to delay a Federal advance for several hours. Scale: Regiment.
Salem Church: While Lee was enjoying great success on the western part of the battlefield, the Confederate position to the east was precarious, with little more than a token force being left in the vicinity of Salem Church to prevent Union reinforcements arriving from Fredericksburg. This battle recreates the Federal assault on the Rebel firing line. Scale: Brigade.
- Publisher
- Dan Verssen Games