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Battle of Monongahela

The Historical Games Company
The Historical Games Company

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

July 9, 1755- the French have built a fort called Fort Duquesne at a strategic location in British claimed territory. General Braddock has gathered a large force of British regulars and colonial militia to march through the wilderness and capture the fort. The British have to build a road as they go leaving them vulnerable to ambush. The French have collected a large force of Native American allies to teach the British about the new kind of warfare in North America.
The game takes about 90 minutes to play. One player commands the British forces and the other player commands the French forces. Cards vary the game play.

AGE: 14+
TIME TO PLAY: 90 Minutes
DESIGNER: Stephen L. Kling, Jr.

  • 48 game pieces (5/8" inch)
  • A single rulebook (4 pages)
  • 20 game cards
  • CANVAS game map (11x17" inch)
  • 1 six sided die


Hersteller The Historical Games Company

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