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Battle of Oriamendi

The Historical Games Company
The Historical Games Company

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

1837. Cristino commanders plan an ambitious three-pronged attack to annihilate Carlist forces in the North of Spain and hopefully bring an end to the war. However, the planned concentration of forces goes awry. Carlist General Don Sebastian takes advantage of the situation with a lightning march to reinforce a Carlist force threatened bu a Cristino army of Spanish and British auxiliaries near Oriamendi. The stage is set.


  • 48 5/8" inch thick game pieces
  • 1 four page rule book
  • 20 game cards
  • 11x17" inch game map
  • Two six-sided dice


Hersteller The Historical Games Company

* inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten