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The Great War

Artikel 770 VON 1042
Lombardy Studios
Lombardy Studios

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The Great War is a two-player and solitaire card game about World War One (1914-1918). One player represents the Central Powers side and the other player the Entente Allies (or simply “Allies”) side. Card backs, Decks & Discards play mat, and many of the playing cards work Adventure Gaming Industry Hall of Fame graphic artist Rodger B. MacGowan. These noted by Rodger’s copyright ©. Two complete 54-card decks of playing cards (Red and Blue decks) provided with 13 standard playing cards (Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10 through 2) in each of four suits: Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, and Spades. These two decks each also have 2 Jokers. These playing cards can be used to play traditional card games such as poker, solitaire, etc.

TGW uses one ten-sided die (1d10) to keep track of Turns and one six-sided die (1d6) to resolve random events.

Rodger B. MacGowan (RBM):Package design, cover art, logos, Decks & Discards play mat, and card art noted by RBM copyright.
Dana Lombardy: Historical research and game design for MacGowan & Lombardy’s The Great War™ card game.
Mark Schumann: Card template and icon designs, and some card illustrations for first version of the game.
Daniel Zillion: Further card development and colorized images, Battle Mat, and all other graphic layout.
Mark Kaczmarek: Game developer.
Craig Robertson: Playtester, proofreader and editor. War of the Worlds expansion designer.
Chris Janiec: Playtester and Naval Rules.
David Ells: Special thanks for Kickstarter support!
Michael Posey & David Smith: Teacher’s Guide

Hersteller Lombardy Studios

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