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ATO Black Swan # 05, The Winds of War

Artikel 120 VON 1054
Against the Odds
Against the Odds

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

The Winds of War, is the result of a remarkable dare... Designer Richard Berg had challenged people to come up with actual historical battles/campaigns which they did not think could possibly be turned into a game. A panel chose the “winner” and The Winds of War is the astonishing result. (Berg said this was easier than some of the other possibilities!)

Astonishing? Consider the topic—the almost unheard of Japanese “Fu-Go” campaign to fire-bomb the western U.S .with hydrogen balloons, launched from Japan and virtually unstoppable by US forces (and hardly controllable by the Japanese). Astonishing also that there really is a game here, with strategy and tactics. It plays well as a solo game, or the 2nd player gets to monkey with balloon paths and die rolls. Takes a little over an hour to play, once players... are fully inflated.

The Winds of War comes with 120 mounted and die-cut 1/2" counters, and an integrated 17" x 22" full color map with rules and charts.

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