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ATO Black Swan # 03, Desert Duel

Artikel 119 VON 1054
Against the Odds
Against the Odds

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

Desert Duel, by designer Mike Rinella, looks at the first battle of Alamein in 1942, where modern armies fought each other and the desert in a desperate effort to breakthrough to or defend the path to the Nile. This is not the Monty vs. Rommel El Alamein battle most people think of but an earlier action, July 1 to July 27, 1942. Each turn represents three days of combat, and each hex is about four miles across.

Where 2nd El Alamein reminded many of WW1 type conflict, this first battle was pure open desert warfare, of the guy that both sides were developing on the fly, and Rinella’s design captures the feel of the grit and gloom. Optional rules for screening, leaders, minefields, FLAK 88s and more.

Desert Duel comes with 88 large 5/8" mounted die-cut counters, and an integrated 17" x 22" full color map with rules and charts.

Hersteller Against the Odds

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