HarnWorld: HarnMaster Magic
HârnMaster Magic
The Ancient & Esoteric Orders of the Shek-Pvar have existed on Melderyn, the Wizard's Isle, and in other locales of Hârn for at least two thousand years. The six orders are members of the Guild of Arcane Lore. Their traditional colors and symbols are shown on the Wheel of the Shek-Pvar (below).
HârnMaster Magic is compatible with both the second and third editions of HârnMaster.
Mage Character Generation
Extensive rules and background for generating and running a Shek-Pvar (mage) character.
Enchantments & Spells
A broad selection of enchantments and spells for each convocation. The new convocation skills and fatigue systems make spellcasting more entertaining and rewarding.
Enriched Magic
Optional, advanced spellcasting rules. These include Cants, Gestures, Detection, Spellbinding, Memorization, Astrological Timing, etc.
Publisher | Columbia Games |