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Siege of Delhi

The Historical Games Company
The Historical Games Company

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

1857. The Indian Mutineer forces have assembled at Delhi and have declared a reinstatement of the Mughal Empire. Their forces, which contain trained soldiers
and a horde of "irregulars," are hell-bent on full independence. A British army has been sent to crush the rebellion, launch a siege at Delhi, and thereby reinstate their British dominion. The rebels have strongly fortified Delhi and are confident of victory. But will it be enough to withstand the British onslaught? The stage is set...

The game takes about 90 minutes to play. One player commands the Indian Mutineer forces and the other player commands the British forces. Cards vary the game play.

AGE: 14+
TIME TO PLAY: 90 Minutes
DESIGNER: Stephen L. Kling, Jr.

  • 48 game pieces (5/8" inch)
  • A single rulebook (4 pages)
  • 20 game cards
  • A canvas game map (11x17" inch)
  • 1 six sided die
Hersteller The Historical Games Company

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