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High Frontier 4 Module 1 - Terawatt

Sierra Madre Games
Sierra Madre Games

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

Freighters are a new type of patent card allowing the transport of valuable factory goods back to Low Earth Orbit. GW Thrusters are more powerful and efficient versions of the MW Thrusters of the core game, allowing your Spacecraft to reach the outer planets more easily. This module also optionally introduces Futures which are special game goals to earn victory points.

  • 1 Drawer Box 160mmx255mmx30mm  
  • 1 Rules Booklet
  • 5 Playmat Extensions  (Freighter) Rounded corners
  • 5 Big Wooden Cubes (in 5 player colors) for Freighters (12mm)
  • 30 Gold Plastic Beads for Isotope FT  (12 mm)
  • 10 wooden Stars (orange 20 mm) for Futures.
  • 8 wooden sticks for Space Elevators 
  • 14 cards 
  • 7 GW Thrusters 
  • 7 Freighter Fleets 
  • Ziplock bag

This is an addon module for High Frontier. You will need the base game High Frontier 4 All to use it. Module 1 - Terawatt introduces two new patent decks: Freighters and GW Thrusters. 


Hersteller Sierra Madre Games

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