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ASL Winter Offensive Bonus Pack #05 (2014)

Multiman Publishing
Multiman Publishing

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

Each sale of WO Bonus Pack 2014 benefits the WWII Foundation. You get a new map and three more ASL scenarios and a great project dedicated to memorializing the efforts of the men who fought in WWII gets a very nice donation.

On schedule to be released at Winter Offensive 2014. It will include board 67 and three Pete Shelling scenario designs.

  • WO12 Heart of Wilderness: Russian attack vs Germans, August 1942.
  • WO13 All The Stops: Another Russian attack vs Germans, this time in Poland in 1944.
  • WO14 For Pride's Sake: Japanese Night attack vs Americans on Luzon in 1945.

The Bonus Pack will not go through the pre-order process and will be available for direct sale some time after Winter Offensive, so stay tuned for more details.

Hersteller Multiman Publishing

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