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HarnWorld: HarnMaster Religion

Columbia Games
Columbia Games

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

HârnMaster Religion
Religion is pervasive is all levels of Hârnic society. The churches are very powerful and influential. No roleplaying campaign is complete without them. HârnMaster Religion is compatible with both the second and third editions of HârnMaster.

Cleric Character generation
Extensive rules and background for generating and running a cleric character for each of ten different religions of Hârn.

Ritual Invocations
A broad selection of rituals (miracles) for each religion. There are common rituals known to all churches, and specific rituals for each.

Libram of the Pantheon
Each of the ten major deities is explained, with details on their mythos, churches, temples. rituals and much more. Each church also offers its opinion on the other churches.

Hersteller Columbia Games

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