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Warfighter Modern Chtorr, Campaign #1 San Francisco

Artikel 488 VON 500
Dan Verssen Games
Dan Verssen Games

Dieser Artikel ist nicht auf Lager und muss erst nachbestellt werden.

DVG is proud to be working with DAVID GERROLD to bring his legendary science-fiction series to the Warfighter game series!

The Chtorrans are here! You must assemble your Squad of Soldiers to clear them out with Fire, Cryo, and Conventional Weapons. This game takes place in the Modern era and is fully compatible with every other Warfighter Core game.


Campaign #1 San Francisco

They built a nest near San Francisco, and you need to burn it out. The Chtorrans seem to be everywhere. They survive in every environment.

Take your Humvee and head out through the dangerous landscape to find and eliminate the deadly hostiles. Stay in contact with Command so they can send you necessary Gear and help you find your targets.


Hersteller Dan Verssen Games

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