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Battle of Waterberg (Ohamakari)

Artikel 485 VON 486
The Historical Games Company
The Historical Games Company

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August 11, 1904. The Herero forces have gathered near the Waterberg Mountains, far away from the German supply trains. The thick thorn bushes provide a natural defense. The Germans plan to attack from several different sides of the Herero camp to annihilate the Hereros once and for all. The Hereros have other plans: to ambush the Germans and exploit their numerical superiority. The stage is set...

The game takes about 90 minutes to play. One player commands the German forces and the other player commands the various Herero forces. Cards vary the game play.

AGE: 14+
TIME TO PLAY: 90 Minutes
DESIGNER: Stephen L. Kling, Jr.

  • 48 game pieces (5/8" inch)
  • A single rulebook (4 pages)
  • 20 game cards
  • A canvas game map (11x17" inch)
  • 1 six sided die
Hersteller The Historical Games Company

* inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten