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Warfighter WW II, Exp 53 Iwo Jima

Artikel 979 VON 1042
Dan Verssen Games
Dan Verssen Games

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

The battle for Iwo Jima was one of the most difficult and hard-fought in the Pacific campaign, from February to March 1945. The Japanese defenders were dug into well-entrenched underground bunkers and natural cave systems on the island, and even though the Americans had numerical, logistical and aerial supremacy, a high price was paid for the hard-won victory. In the iconic photo of the six Marines raising a flag over Mount Suribachi, three were killed in action days after, testament to the ferocity of the fighting.
This expansion presents new subterranean locations with close-quarter impediments (such as locked doors and booby traps), along with new soldiers and skills focussed on built-up area combat, reflecting the indomitable fortitude of the US Marines over the five-week campaign as they rooted out the enemy from tunnels and holes.

Hersteller Dan Verssen Games

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