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Traces of Hubris

Artikel 811 VON 1042
Vuca Simulations
Vuca Simulations

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Traces of Hubris is a two-player game that simulates the German Case Blue (Fall Blau) summer offensive in southern Russia during the second half of 1942. The goal was to “cut off” the Volga at Stalingrad and to capture the Caucasus oil fields.

The Axis player must eliminate the Soviet forces and break their defense lines in order to reach his objectives. The Soviet player must do everything to defend the homeland, and hold until he gets a chance to strike back.

Game Scale:
Game Turn: 2 weeks / 1 month
Hex: 22.5 kilometers
Units: Divisions and Corps

Solitaire Playability: High
Complexity Level: Medium-low
Players: 1 or 2 Players
Playing Time: 3-6 hours

Hersteller Vuca Simulations

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