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Tank Duel: Tank Pack #1

Artikel 746 VON 1042
GMT Games
GMT Games

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

Tank Duel Tank Pack #1 adds 8 new tanks to the popular Tank Duel system. These tanks can be mixed with the existing tanks and used in scenarios from both Tank Duel: Enemy in the Crosshairs and Tank Duel Expansion #1: North Africa. Two of each of these new tanks are included in Tank Pack #1: 

  • KV-1
  • T-26
  • M3 Lee
  • M3 Stuart Mk II (“Honey”)
  • Panzer IV Ausf. F/2
  • Panzer III Ausf. G
  • Sd.Kfz. 234 “Puma”
  • Panzer 38(t) Ausf. C

 Tank Pack #1 also includes rules for armored cars, tanks with multiple turrets, and light ordnance, in addition to 8 all-new scenarios. Two Tank Packs can be combined with Tank Duel Expansion #1: North Africa to enable 4 of each type of tank to battle.


Tank Duel Tank Pack #1 is not a standalone game and requires ownership of Tank Duel: Enemy in the Crosshairs in order to be played.

  • 8 Double Sided Tank Boards (4 Axis, 4 Allied)
  • Combined Rulebook and Scenario Booklet

GAME DESIGNER: Mike Bertucelli

Hersteller GMT Games

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