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Springtime for Hitler

Artikel 700 VON 1042
Against the Odds
Against the Odds

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Springtime for Hitler - Shortly after Poland was conquered in 1939, Hitler begin urging an immediate attack in the West. The original plans were uninspiring and his generals feared an attritional stalemate. Over the winter the Germans keep taking the measure of their opponents and hit upon a plan was that inspired, risky, and utterly decisive.

Springtime for Hitler by Mike Rinella explores the angle that the Germans at this time were quite simply indeed "supermen" at the top of their game. Possessing the best tactical air force with their Luftwaffe, the best plans and doctrine, well-motivated by National-Socialist ideology, and/or possibly sky high on "panzer chocolate," (Pervitin) they were unstoppable.

Or were they?

Hersteller Against the Odds

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