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SWWaS: Bismarck Force de Raid, Campaign Study

Artikel 744 VON 1055
Avalanche Press
Avalanche Press

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During the 1930’s, France built up a force of modern warships, the Force de Raid, to counter German naval construction. Britain seemed far less ready to stand against Hitler, and French leaders felt they had to be ready to fight Germany again, this time alone.

Force de Raid is a Campaign Study, with fourteen scenarios depicting this Franco-German naval war, the conflict for which the Marine Nationale built its fleet. The French must defend their commerce against German depredations, without the help of the powerful Royal Navy. This is the war for which both sides prepared, and for which they were evenly matched. You’ll need Bismarck Second Edition or Playbook Edition (and only Bismarck) to play the scenarios.

Hersteller Avalanche Press

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