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Paper Wars 107, Operation Isabella

Artikel 579 VON 1042
Compass Games
Compass Games

Sofort lieferbar

Operation Isabella: What If, Spain 1942? by Ty Bomba

A low-medium complexity two-player design simulating the events that would have unfolded across Iberia during the late summer of 1942 if the German plan to invade at that time had been put in motion. A complete game takes two to three hours and is easily adaptable for solitaire. The system is a version of the alternating-actions type used in Inkerman and Alma. Each hex on the map equals 20 miles from side to opposite side, with all of Portugal and Spain covered except for the latter’s extreme southeast corner and border area around Barcelona. Each of the 10 turns represent a week. Every ground unit represents a brigade, division or corps. Both sides not only can – they must – attack and defend in order to win. Spanish units – except for the two corps of the North African Army, which are always pro-Axis – may fight for either side.

Designed by Ty Bomba.

Hersteller Compass Games

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