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ONUS! Army XI: Parthian

Artikel 533 VON 1042
Draco Ideas
Draco Ideas

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

ONUS! Armies XI: Parthian: Add more number of unit cards to those included in the ONUS! games.


Generals Osroes I, Sanatruces, Mebarsapes and Abgar VII, 2 Indian Elephants, 2 Camel Cataphracts, 3 Shock Cataphracts, Camel Archers, 2 Noble Horse Archers, 5 Horse Archers, 2 Horse Skirmishers, 4 Eastern Spearmen, 2 Elite Archers, 3 Parthian Archers, 2 Sogdian Hill People, 2 Parthian Swordmen, 2 Armenian Cataphracts and 2 Jews.

This is an expansion box and you need the core game ONUS! Pack or ONUS! Traianus game box to play.

Hersteller Draco Ideas

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