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Nanty Narking (retail edition) (E)

Artikel 498 VON 1042
Phalanx Games
Phalanx Games

Sofort lieferbar

Nanty Narking is a game full of intrigue, a game of area control, and intense card play, excellent fun for 2-4 players. The action takes place on the Victorian London city map, with players placing their agents and buildings on the board through card play. Every card is unique. The cards bring the game to life as they include most of the famous characters who have appeared in the various books.

The rules are relatively simple: play a card and do what it says! Most cards have more than one action on them, and you can choose to do some or all of these actions. To make it even more interesting, at the beginning of the game each player draws a secret personality with specific victory conditions, which means that you can never be sure what the other players need to do in order to win. You need to fulfill your goal while also trying to prevent others from winning!

Nanty Narking features

  • easy to learn rules
  • fast and tense gameplay with strong player interaction
  • deep theme, strongly reflected in the gameplay
  • great replayability due to variants for experienced players

Game details:

Players: 2-4
Playingtime: 60+ Minutes
Age: 14+

Game components

  • 75 x 50 cm cardboard board,
  • 79 standees with 55 round standee bases
  • and 24 square standee bases,
  • 161 cards,
  • 1 rulebook,
  • 4 player aid charts,
  • 62 cardboard counters,
  • 12-sided die
Hersteller Phalanx Games

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