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HarnWorld: Menglana

Artikel 395 VON 1042
Columbia Games
Columbia Games

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

Hârn products are printed on high-quality, loose-leaf pages designed to fit standard 3-ring binders. This format enables you to arrange a collection of articles that are relevant to your campaign, providing easy access to the information you need..

Menglana once dominated western Ivinia, a land of warring kingdoms, icy fjords, and bold mariners. Despite its natural wealth and beauty, Menglana is a kingdom in decline. Internal strife between powerful greatclans, an impending succession crisis, and imminent invasions by two rival kingdoms - Rogna to the west and Ibanvaal to the southeast - lead many to believe that this once-powerful kingdom's days are numbered.

Kingdom of Menglana details the history, culture, politics, government, religion, and economics of this proud yet fading kingdom.

52 Color Pages.

Hersteller Columbia Games

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