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Gettysburg: Badges of Courage

Artikel 356 VON 1042
Columbia Games
Columbia Games

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

Gettysburg: Badges of Courage employs an innovative tactical combat wargame system. Infantry, Artillery, and Cavalry units are led by Division, Corps, and Army commanders in an epic struggle to control the strategic crossroads at Gettysburg. The game has a brigade-level order of battle.

All three days of Gettysburg can be played separately or together. Players can change the entry roads of divisions to surprise opponents and must maintain division and corps organization to be successful.



192 wooden blocks (20mm)
Large Mapboard (22 x 34 inches)
CSA O/B cards (PDF 524K)
USA O/B cards (PDF 524K)
4 Dice

Hersteller Columbia Games

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