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Bulge: The Battle for the Ardennes

Artikel 203 VON 1042
Decision Games
Decision Games

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

One of the most famous battles of World War II is re-created in this fast paced game. Bulge simulates Hitler’s desperate gamble to halt the Allied advance through the west by unleashing his powerful armored forces through the Ardennes. A scattered American force must hold back the panzers until sufficient reinforcements arrive.

Bulge captures the tense excitement of the German drive to capture vital bridges and road intersections. Using Bulge’s innovative game system, victory can occur for either player on any turn. With its combination of sophistication and playability, Bulge is a perfect introduction to the world of hobby wargaming and a challenge to novice and veteran gamers alike.

Hersteller Decision Games

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