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Band of Brothers: Texas Arrows

Artikel 148 VON 1042
Worthington Publishing
Worthington Publishing

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Band of Brothers: Texas Arrows is the third game in the Band of Brothers series of WW2 tactical games. It follows the US 36th Infantry Division through Italy, France, and Germany during WW2. First line and elite US Infantry squads are introduced. In twelve scenarios, they face a mixture of opposition forces including second line Germans, first line Germans, and Panzergrenadiers. New vehicles make an appearance as well.

Texas Arrows uses the same streamlined proficiency system introduced in Band of Brothers: Ghost Panzer. Ownership of both Screaming Eagles and Ghost Panzer is required to play.

The initial print run will also include 2 sheets of counters that will update Screaming Eagles counters to the updated proficiency system introduced in Ghost Panzer.


– 2 Sheets of 7/8″ counters to update Screaming Eagles
– 1 Sheet of 7/8″ counters introducing new units
– 2 Maps
– Scenario book with 12 scenarios
– 1 page of additional rules
– 1 Player Aid Card

Texas Arrows is NOT a standalone game but needs Screaming Eagles and/or Ghost Panzer to play.

Hersteller Worthington Publishing

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