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Andean Abyss, 2nd Ed. Update Kit

Artikel 70 VON 1042
GMT Games
GMT Games

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

This update kit includes the components necessary to upgrade 1st edition version of Andean Abyss to the 2nd Edition. It includes the following:

  • 1 x Update booklet containing Rulebook section 8 and Playbook 1 player example section
  • 2 x updated Player Aid Card 2 insurgent bots Flowcharts (foldout). 
  • 2 x new Player Aid Card 3 Govbot (foldout)
  • 2 x updated Player Aid Card 4 Sequence (single sheet)
  • 9 x playing cards with text changes
Hersteller GMT Games

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