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ATO Black Swan # 82, Under Ten Flags

Artikel 138 VON 1042
Against the Odds
Against the Odds

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#81 Under Ten Flags – This game on naval commerce raiding starts early in 1939 when the German merchant raider Atlantis made its way into the South Atlantic to sink and capture Allied cargo vessels. Its crew used their skill in disguising the appearance of the vessel to aid its encounters or avoid enemy warships.

The journey of the raider Atlantis lasted for over 600 days and traveled over 100,000 miles. It’s epic voyage only ended when it was finally caught by the HMS Devonshire and sunk on November 22, 1941.

Game play consists of the Atlantis sighting and capturing/sinking Allied cargo vessels and avoiding being sunk by British cruisers. The Royal Navy must attempt to successfully completing commerce missions and of course, sink the Atlantis!

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