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Panzer Grenadier: Parachutes Over Crete

Artikel 132 VON 156
Avalanche Press
Avalanche Press

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In late May 1940, the German Air Force launched history’s first large-scale airborne invasion, dropping a division of paratroopers onto the island of Crete, followed by a mountain division landed from transport planes. For thirteen days the motley Allied garrison of Australian, New Zealand and Greek troops put up fierce resistance before the Germans finally secured the island at a cost of one-fifth of their force killed, wounded or missing.

Parachutes over Crete is a complete Panzer Grenadier game based on the Battle for Crete. There are 40 scenarios based on these battles, organized into four “battle games” that allow you to play the scenarios in sequence toward your army’s operational goals.

Parachutes over Crete includes 493 playing pieces and four heavy cardstock maps.

Stuff Included:
• 493 playing pieces
• Four rigid cardstock maps
• Forty scenarios


Hersteller Avalanche Press

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