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Warfighter WW II, Exp 46 Maquis

Artikel 723 VON 775
Dan Verssen Games
Dan Verssen Games

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

Even in the darkest days following the fall of France to the German blitzkrieg in May 1940, not all was lost: from the populace arose the Resistance fighters called the Maquis. Whether baker, banker, teacher or housewife, these brave civilian men and women showed that resistance was not futile, rallying under the flag with the Croix de Lorraine. With less training and equipment than regular forces, and scrounging whatever they could, the Maquis carried out a shadow war on many fronts: printing and distributing underground propaganda, sabotaging enemy networks, aiding Allied pilots who had craashed behind enemy lines, and sending valuable intelligence to the British, risking their lives and retaliation, until France was finally liberated in December 1944.
This expansion features Resistance fighters with missions and skills which reflect their methods of guerilla warfighting, with scrounged-up weapons and gear, stealthy movement, and unconventional objectives.

Hersteller Dan Verssen Games

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