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Warfighter North Africa, Exp 87 Gurkas

Artikel 704 VON 775
Dan Verssen Games
Dan Verssen Games

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

GURKHAS [British Gurkha Soldiers and Hostiles]

Serving as part of the British Army for nearly 200 years, the Gurkhas have fought in almost every major conflict and theatre of war, including in World War II where they were comprised of 40 battalions. These fearsome Nepalese fighters have deservedly earned a near-legendary reputation of being some of the fiercest and bravest warriors in battle: esteemed by their allies and dreaded by their enemies, and respected by all alike. They are easily recognized by their signature weapon - the long, curved knife known as the kukri - and their motto is "Better to die than to be a coward."

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