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Combat Infantry WestFront

Artikel 190 VON 795
Columbia Games
Columbia Games

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

This fast-paced tactical game handles WWII squad level with a 12 page rulebook and, of course, our famous wood blocks... a battalion of blocks.

The name of this game is inspired by the Combat Infantry Badge shown below. This cherished award was given to American infantry who participated in combat under hostile fire. The badge depicts a Springfield musket on a blue bar on a wreath of oak leaves.  Other nations had similar awards.

There have been many squad level games published over the past 40 years, but Combat Infantry is really different. The rules are just 12 pages long, but you will find their depth of play remarkable. This is partly due to two simple game mechanics.

First, our signature hardwood blocks give you fog-of-war with no muss or fuss. Because of smoke, cover, and a compelling need to "keep your head down", fog-of-war is essential to simulate WWII tactical combat. No squad level game can claim to be realistic without it.

Second, leadership rules that reward players who maintain unit integrity – squads belong to specific platoons, and platoons belong to specific companies, each with their own commanders.

As with all our games, we ease up on excessive chrome but stress the game experience. It’s hard to enjoy a game when you can’t find the time to read the rules, let alone play. Combat Infantry is a game you will play, and play, and play.


The game includes two battalions of blocks, one German and one American. Each battalion has 3 rifle companies, each with 3 platoons, each with 3 rifle squads. Supporting heavy weapons include machine guns, mortars, and tanks. That's a total of 120 blocks, 60 per side.


Four geomorphic maps depict Normandy terrain, including beaches and bocage (hedgerows). Map scale is 100 meters per hex, which is really the best scale for a squad level game.  Why?  Because one squad would defend or attack along a front of 40-50 meters.  So two squads per 100 meters is average density.  Three or four squads per 40 or 50 meters is sardines in a can, mincemeat for WW2 mortars and artillery. 


Six scenario cards are included. These depict firefights from the American Invasion of Normandy to the Battle of the Bulge. Each scenario takes one to two hours to play. There are also four generic scenarios.

Hersteller Columbia Games

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