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C3i 34, Kursk: The Tigers are Burning

Artikel 162 VON 776
GMT Games
GMT Games

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C3i Magazine Issue Nr 34

• Over 100 pages of content, C3i Nr 34 features "Kursk: The Tigers are Burning, 1943" the first installment in the C3i Combined Arms series, designed by Trevor Bender
(includes a large 22x34" map and 114 counters!)

• Articles on board games Fields of Fire, SPQR, OCS, Undaunted: Normany, France 1944 and more!

• Inserts for The Hunters, Empire of the Sun, C3i Nr 33's Battle of Issy, For the People, Stalingrad '42, Imperial Struggle and others!

• Also includes a BONUS Standalone Solitaire Game, FIREBASE VIETNAM!

•COLLECTOR'S EDITION packages the above in a secure, white C3i-branded Collector box for shipping and storage

•Kursk Rulebook Available on BoardGameGeek and will be available on C3i Ops Center later today!

Hersteller GMT Games

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