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Braveheart Solitaire Bookgame

Worthington Publishing
Worthington Publishing

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You are in command of the Scottish armies in their bid for independence from the English Monarchy.

Lead your people to freedom as they cheer your name “Braveheart!”

The English outnumber your army in both battles so your decisions require some outstanding leadership if you expect to win the day, the decisions are yours…

Braveheart Solitaire has 24 games where you take the role of William Wallace or Robert the Bruce against an opposing English army.

Twelve games are on the Battle of Falkirk where the English crushed the Scots led by Wallace. Twelve games are on the Battle of Bannockburn where Robert the Bruce led the Scots in a brilliant victory over the English and secured Scotland's independence. Each opposing English BOT side is reated for its skiill; Challengins for 6 games and difficult for 6 games.

You will need to provide a pen and one 6-sided die to play the game.

Hersteller Worthington Publishing

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