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Founders of Reyvick

Artikel 195 VON 449
GMT Games
GMT Games

Preorder item, date of delivery not yet determined

Richard Garfield’s Founders of Reyvick is a 3-5 player economic game of speculation and competition on the newly settled world of Reyvick. Each player controls a company just starting out on the planet and attempting to amass the most wealth and craft the greatest legacy. Players deploy their Partners to collect resources from their assets and complete projects furthering research, exploration, and building across the planet. At the end of the game, the player with the greatest combination of wealth, assets, and projects wins the game. Founders of Reyvick is set in the dynamic and exciting Away Team universe, created by John Butterfield.

Reyvick is an Earth-like planet of oceans and land masses teeming with life. Although its dense atmosphere is generally breathable, concentrations of geothermal emissions create spots of toxic mist. The flora appears varied and plentiful. Initially no evidence of cultures or artificial structures were found. However, after spending two weeks surveying the planet’s surface, the away teams detected a plethora of trails and ruined stone structures scattered across the planet's varied biomes.

Reyvick is a planet unlike any other yet found: the planet boasts an especially diverse ecosystem, exotic flora and fauna, and even mysterious and unexplained ruins. This diversity is a unique opportunity for the human race—and for your company. In addition to abundant life, early exploration teams discovered deposits of a material with properties that were previously believed to be impossible. Due to the difficulties in extracting this material from the planet, scientists gave it the tongue-in-cheek nickname of “Unobtanium”—a name which stuck in the public consciousness. Yet the possibilities for Unobtanium seem endless, and the potential profits are unfathomable.

A game of Founders of Reyvick revolves around assets. Assets include the districts on Reyvick as well as Special Assets that are different in each game. During the game, companies compete to own these assets and take advantage of the resources and revenue that they provide, while maximizing their profit by buying low and selling high. Each game round begins by resolving a draw of Event tiles. Most tiles place new population, resources like Flora and Fauna research, or Unobtanium into the various districts of Reyvick, but some Events present setbacks for companies to manage.

The promise of rich resources have drawn many to Reyvick, but the economic climate there is unique. Unlike other planets, Reyvick’s Ruling Council uses a radical approach to managing the many companies seeking profits on Reyvick. Every game round, each player must set the price at which they would be willing to sell each of their assets to another player. Players are then obliged to respect their own valuation, so the price must be chosen carefully; if you set it too low, someone else will take over your asset and make a profit, but at the end of the turn you must pay taxes on the price you’ve set on every asset, so you also don’t want to set it too high.

Once prices are set, the Council distributes whatever taxes were collected in the previous turn. Some portion of those taxes will go to funding public projects, which are placed in districts for the welfare of its citizens—and companies—while the rest is distributed to players. Rights to the resources and profits from a District or Special Asset are always for sale; any company can buy them by paying the price set by the current owner. And every asset on Reyvick has a price!

Once you purchase an asset, you must immediately set the price as at the beginning of the turn. You can set it to any amount that is higher than what you paid, but beware! The Council will tax you based on what you claim your assets are worth. And those taxes are distributed as incentives in a public/private partnership, so your tax money can end up benefiting your competition!

At the end of each round, the resources and revenue generated by Districts and Special Assets are distributed to their owners, who can use them to build projects, take advantage of opportunities, or buy assets from other players. Shrewd speculation and clever use of projects, opportunities, and special assets are essential to your company’s success.

Founders of Reyvick is based on the economic theories of Nobel Prize Winning economist William Vickrey, as well as the writings of Eric Posner and Glen Weyl, especially their book Radical Markets.

  • One 25.5" x 22" Mounted Game Board
  • 70 Poker-sized Cards
  • 12 Tarot-sized Cards
  • Two Custom 6-sided Dice
  • Five Sheets of Cardboard Markers
  • One Draw Bag
  • 50 Wooden Pieces
  • Five Cardstock Player Mats
  • One Rulebook
  • One 3” Box

Game Designer: Richard Garfield
Game Developer: Jason Carr
Additional Game Development: Ken Kuhn
Away Team Universe created by: John Butterfield

Hersteller GMT Games

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