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Combat Commander: Europe/Med. Master Edition

Artikel 119 VON 449
GMT Games
GMT Games

Preorder item, date of delivery not yet determined

This format, with all six nations and the full Random Scenario Generator, is how Combat Commander was originally designed and tested. Adding in counters specific to the minor nations and updating the scenario pages with the images for their leaders and units has been on my list for years. I am delighted that GMT has presented this opportunity and believe Chad would be very happy to see the game back together after all these years. - Kai Jensen
Combat Commander: Europe/Med. Master Edition includes all components of the original CC:E and CC:M plus additional minors counters and updated scenario pages where those minors appear.
  • 6½ countersheets
  • One 24-page Rulebook
  • One 52-page Playbook
  • Eight PAC sheets (6 two-sided nationality cards, one Terrain chart, one misc. play aids chart)
  • 439 Cards (6 decks of 72 cards each, 1 Fate card, 6 nationality reference cards)
  • 24 Maps on 12 double-sided 17" x 22" sheets
  • One 8½" x 22" Track Display
Combat Commander: Europe
Combat Commander: Europe is Chad Jensen's award-winning card-driven board game immersing players in tactical infantry combat in the European Theater of World War II. One player takes the role of Germany while another player commands either America or Russia. These two players will take turns playing one or more “Fate” cards from their hands in order to activate units on the mapboard for various military functions.
There is no strict sequence of play to follow in Combat Commander each measure of game Time is divided into a variable number of player Turns, each of which may consist of one or more “Orders” conducted by the active player. “Actions” may generally be conducted by either player at any time. “Events”—both good and bad—will also occur at random intervals to add a bit of chaos and uncertainty to each player’s perfect plan.
Orders include: Fire, Move, Advance, Recover, Rout, and Artillery functions. Each nationality also has a varying number of Command Confusion Orders which act as duds while in hand.
An example of some of the 20 different Actions are:
  • Smoke – If a unit with boxed Movement is activated to Move, place Smoke in or adjacent to its hex.
  • Hand Grenades – Add +2 when firing at an adjacent hex.
  • Dig In – Place foxholes in a friendly hex.
An example of some of the 35 different Events are:
  • Walking Wounded – Select one eliminated unit. Return that unit to play in a random hex, broken.
  • Hero – If not already in play, place your Hero in a friendly hex. Rally one broken unit there.
  • Battle Harden – One unit becomes Veteran.
Players attempt to achieve victory by moving their combat units across the game map to attack their opponent’s combat units and occupy as many objectives as possible. The degree to which a player succeeds or fails is measured by a scenario’s specific Objective chits, the destruction of enemy units, and the exiting of friendly units off the opponent’s board edge. Command & Control is extremely important in Combat Commander, being modeled via the “Command” number on Leader units. Command serves both to enhance the abilities of Squads and Teams stacked with the Leader, as well as allowing for multiple activations with a single Order.
Combat Commander includes twelve historical scenarios as well as a “roll your own” scenario system that provides an almost unending variety of map configurations, combat situations, and historically-based force structures. Each scenario is played on one of twelve maps, each with a 10x15 hexgrid depicting various terrain at a scale of approximately 100 feet per hex.
Replayability for Combat Commander is high. And with Chad's brilliant Random Scenario Generator, it provides unlimited possibilities as far as additional scenarios, maps, units, weapons, and gaming situations are concerned. Add to that a TON of additional content. Over the past decade, we have released sequels and expansions covering the British, French, Italians, the Pacific Theater, the Resistance, even a "what if" expansion on Operation Sea Lion. Because of all of this content and unlimited scenario creation options, Combat Commander is even more than a wonderfully immersive gaming experience. It is also one of those rare exceptional values in wargaming: one featuring so much content and diversity that it can be revisited time and time again, with each game holding a new tale to tell.
Time scale: several minutes per turn
Map scale: 30 meters per hex
Unit scale: Squads, Fire Teams, and Leaders
Number of players: 2
Combat Commander: Mediterranean
Combat Commander: Volume II - Mediterranean (or "CC:M") is the sequel to Combat Commander: Volume I - Europe ("CC:E"). CC:M's main theme is the addition of three new "nationalities" to the Combat Commander family:
  • Britain & the Commonwealth
  • France & the Allied Minors
  • Italy & the Axis Minors
This second game in theCombat Commander series includes units, cards, and scenarios depicting the fighting forces of these nations.

FATE CARDS: As for Germany, Russia, and America in CC:E, each of the new nationalities has its own 72-card Fate Deck highlighting its historical strengths and weaknesses (marksmanship for the British, giving them fewer shots but of higher quality; a higher likelihood of surrender for broken Italian units; quality Orders, Actions, and Events for the French but saddled with only a "1" discard capability; etc.).

CC:M's Playbook will include the following:
  • 12 new historical scenarios, each one including at least one of the three new nationalities.
  • An updated Random Scenario Generator incorporating the new nationalities and the twelve new maps, as well as allowing for the early years of fighting in 1939 and 1940. This random scenario system provides an almost unending variety of map configurations, force structures, and combat situations. Replayability value for Combat Commander gets even better with this new addition to the family.
  • A complete manifest of all 432 Fate Cards included in CC:E and CC:M. Number crunchers rejoice!
  • Assigned Point Values for all units, weapons, radios and fortifications in CC:E and CC:M, allowing players to easily create their own scenarios and Orders of Battle.
  • Additional designer's notes and play hints.
  • And more...
Combat Commander is one of those rare exceptional values in wargaming—one that can be revisited time and time again, each with a new tale to tell.

Time scale: several minutes per turn
Map scale: 30 meters per hex
Unit scale: Squads, Fire Teams, and Leaders
Number of players: 2
Hersteller GMT Games

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