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Crusader Rex 2nd Edition

Artikel 0 VON 500
Columbia Games
Columbia Games

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

Crusader Rex is a wargame of the 3rd Crusade. One player plays the Christian Franks, the other, the Muslim Saracens. The objective of the game is to control important Victory Cities such as Jerusalem, Acre, Damascus, and Antioch.

The board depicts the Middle East from Antioch in the north to Egypt in the south.

Game design by Jerry Taylor and Tom Dalgliesh (Hammer of the Scots).

New 2nd edtion has an expanded map, new high-quality cards, and new labels.



63 large wooden blocks
Mapboard (17 x 33 inches)
27 cards

Hersteller Columbia Games

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