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Yaah! Magazine 4

Artikel 1031 VON 1035
Flying Pig Games
Flying Pig Games

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Yaah! Magazine Issue #4

What makes our final issue of our first year so extraordinary?

To start with, there's the game, designed by Mark Holt Walker-- publisher, gamer, novelist, and mensch. Poland Strikes! is a standalone module in the Sticks andStones series. The first entry, published by Flying Pig's sister company Tiny Battle Publishing, saw Soviets and Yankees fighting over precious land in Germany in post-nuclear 1987. While the USSR is distracted by all of this, Poland decides to settle the score with Hungary after years of escalating tensions along the border. With four scenarios and 88 counters gorgeously illustrated by wunderkind Christian Sperling (Neuschwabenland), it's a cold-war-goes-hot tactical combat game by the undisputed master of the genre.

That's what you'll find at the back of the mag, but how's about the front? Well, for starters, there's a lavishly-illustrated look at Frank Chadwick's hotly anticipated ETO series. Chadwick's designs include classics like Battle For Moscow and A House Divided, and are renowned for their elegant, approachable take on historical wargaming. 

Hersteller Flying Pig Games

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