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Warfighter Mediterrannean, Exp 78 Battle of Rimini

Artikel 0 VON 1042
Dan Verssen Games
Dan Verssen Games

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BATTLE OF RIMINI  [Greek Mountain Infantry Soldiers vs German Hostiles]

The Battle of Rimini was part of Operation Olive, the Allied offensive against the Gothic Line in Northern Italy. The township of Rimini, situated along the Adriatic coast, was the easternmost anchor point of the Rimini Line, which was part of the multi-layered wall of Gothic Line defenses. The battle for the town along its outlying regions and into the town itself saw some of the most brutal fighting, given the strategic significance of the city. In the aftermath of hostilities, it was estimated that less than 2% of the buildings in the city had been left unscathed amidst the carnage and destruction.

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