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Next War: Supplement #3

Artikel 508 VON 1042
GMT Games
GMT Games

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

This third Next War supplement will contain the following items:

  • An expansion map containing the rest of Kaliningrad and a larger portion of Lithuania including the strategically important railroad connection.
  • Optional expansion map which depict the islands of Bornholm and Gotland as hex based maps as well as rules to integrate them into the game.
  • Two counter sheets containing additional and updated counters for most of the nationalities in Poland including:
    • New and additional ground OOB for Russia
    • Typhoons w/ Meteor
    • Additional ground units for Poland
    • Belgian F-35s
    • US F/A-18s w/ AMRAAMs
    • Belarus Su-30s
  • Additional counters for other games in the series including:
    • Indian S-400s
    • PRC DF21s/26s
    • Updated ROK Order of Battle for Next War: Korea (either edition)
  • Additional counters and Player Aid Cards for revamped Cyber Warfare rules.
  • A few optional rules.


Game Designer: Mitchell Land

Hersteller GMT Games

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