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High Frontier 4 Core Game (incl. Module 0 Politics)

Artikel 417 VON 1056
Sierra Madre Games
Sierra Madre Games

Sofort lieferbar

HIGH FRONTIER 4 ALL is a space exploration game at its best. Each turn you perform 1 action and 1 rocket movement. Throughout the game, you use an engine-building mechanism to combine different space flight patents into a rocket or sun sail that can bring you closer to the goal. To be the one who industrializes the most in our solar system, outside Earth. The combinations of designs and explorations guarantee that no two games will be the same.

The game comes in a Core box, which contains the previous edition's basic and advanced rules. The rules have been given a complete overhaul in order to make them watertight and accessible. The Core box also includes Module 0 -Politics.

  • Rules Booklets
  • Player Aids
  • Mapboard
  • Placards
  • Playmats
  • Wooden Domes(Colonies)
  • Wooden Domes(Factories)
  • Gold Wooden Star
  • Disks
  • Rockets
  • Blue Beads
  • Punchouts
  • Six-Sided Dice
  • Cards

High Frontier is a game about the exploitation and industrialization of our solar system. Each player starts as a spacefaring company in the year 2020 trying to make a profit in trade and technology development.

Game designer: Phil Eklund, Justin Grey, Jon Manker, Dom Rougier

Artist: Josefin Strand, Anna H Lindberg


Hersteller Sierra Madre Games

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