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Gettysburg A Time for Heroes

Artikel 0 VON 1042
Worthington Publishing
Worthington Publishing

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GETTYSBURG: A TIME FOR HEROES is playable in 2 hours. For 2 players. Designed by Yves Roig and Andy Loakes.

Innovative Civil War game which further develops the popular system from Chancellorsville 1863. Using formation and tactic cards players will manuever over a map of the Gettysburg battlefield trying to obtain terrain objectives and enemy losses, while avoiding losses.  

The player scoring the most victory points with objectives obtained wins the game.


  • Large mounted game board

  • Union formation activation cards

  • Confederate formation activation cards

  • Tactic cards

  • Confederate and Union reinforcement cards

  • Cohesion cubes

  • Momentum cubes

  • Redoubt markers

  • 9 x Dice

  • 2 x Rules 

Hersteller Worthington Publishing

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