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C3I 30

Artikel 208 VON 1042
GMT Games
GMT Games

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

Featuring award-winning designer Mark Herman's standalone game "South Pacific," throwing you into the fight between the Allies and Imperial Japanese forces near the Bismarck Barrier during 1942-1943. Issue 30 is also packed full of articles on over a dozen games, including a series analysis on the COIN (Counter-Insurgency) genre of wargames by acclaimed designer Volko Ruhnke.

Mark Herman returns with another installment of Clio's Corner on how to qualify "victory." Harold Buchanan presents his two-player scenario and strategy guide for "Liberty or Death", along with a map display. Also included are counters to expand your gaming experience for a number of titles published by GMT Games, including a new scenario for "Alexander" (Battle of the Hellespont), "Wing Leader," "Operation Dauntless" and "Won by the Sword." [[Please contact us if you have questions about any components (counters, map, etc).]]

Hersteller GMT Games

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