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414BC Siege of Syracuse

Artikel 21 VON 1044
Worthington Publishing
Worthington Publishing

Wenige Exemplare auf Lager - schnell bestellen!

Syracuse 414 BC - The Athenian army lays siege to the great city of Syracuse.

Play Solitaire as Athenians and 2 player version too!

Unique to 414 Siege of Syracuse:

  • New rules for constructing walls and counter walls

  • Solitaire Cards are divided into 2 decks to represent 2 Epochs of the lengthy siege

  • Aggressive Commander Orders have been replaced by Leader cards that allow high risk/high rewards decisions by players.

As the Athenian side you win the game in two ways:  

  • Complete your siege walls around the city AND have a ship in a blockade space.

  • Or, reduce the morale of Syracuse to zero.

As the Syracusan side, victory is achieved by: 

  • Holding out until the siege ends (all cards have been played).

  • Or, the Athenian morale is reduced to zero.

Highlights of 414 BC Siege of Syracuse:

The Athenian player must keep up attacks and deal with Syracusan reinforcements that come into play.  They must also construct siege walls to choke off the city and fend off counter attacks by the city army.   As Syracuse builds counter walls the Athenian must destroy them if he expects to encircle the city.

The Syracusan side is playing for time.  It must defend the city against attacks by land and sea.  Its forces must sally out of the city to drive the morale of the Athenian side down.  Further, as the progress of siege walls is advanced by the Athenian side, Syracuse has the ability to build counter walls to slow down the progress.

Each game includes:

  • Box

  • Hard Mounted Game Board

  • 2 sets of troop markers (one set per army)

  • 2 sets of solitaire cards (one set per army)*Only 1 set of solitaire cards in 414BC Syracuse

  • Command Decision Cards

  • 2 Field Order Books (one per army)

  • Rule Book

  • Custom plastic storage tray

  • Dice

Complexity: 3 of 10

Solitaire Suitability: 10 of 10

Playing Time: 30 to 60 minutes

Players: 1-2

Hersteller Worthington Publishing

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