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SWWaS: Kingdom of Hawaii

Artikel 0 VON 294
Avalanche Press
Avalanche Press

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A Campaign Study

In 1897, the Japanese Minister to Washington urged his government to send a strong naval squadron to Hawaii to block the pending American annexation of the island kingdom. Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt ordered planning to begin for a naval war with Japan. The Japanese decided that the annexation could not be stopped, while Roosevelt would get his war a year later, but against Spain.

Kingdom of Hawaii is a Campaign Study for Great War at Sea, based on this American-Japanese confrontation that never became a shooting conflict. It’s got 14 new scenarios, in which the American and Japanese squadrons fight to take control of Hawaiian waters, whether the Hawaiians agree or not. Both fleets are far from home, depending on their supply trains for coal and other necessities.

You’ll need Second World War at Sea: Midway (for the operational map), Russo-Japanese War (for the Japanese pieces) and Remember the Maine (for the American pieces) to play the scenarios.

Hersteller Avalanche Press

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